

背筐[bèi kuāng]


背筐 汉英大词典

背筐[bèi kuāng]



背筐 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. back to the basket:backcourt:后场 | back to the basket:背筐 | bank shot:擦板球

背筐 双语例句

1. 当在低位有足够多的空间和时间,他可能会尝试一些非正规的背筐移动,有时也会有出其不意的效果。
    In the low post, with enough space and time, he can try some unorthodox back-to-the-basket movement, with mixed results.

2. 背筐是什么意思

2. 他们从不在篮下背筐进攻,我不认为他们是在跑着打,大多数时间他们都只是在移动。
    They didn't post-up at all, I don't think they even ran plays, a lot of times they were just moving.

3. 背筐是什么意思

3. 姚明是一个典型的背筐单打的球员,但在离篮下很远的区域打球却不是他的强项。
    Yao is a classic back-to-the-basket player who has never looked comfortable playing so far from the rim.

4. 在阿帅的进攻体系中,3号位将会有更多的背筐单打机会,所以我想我的背筐能力也能帮上大忙,而如果打4号位,我也能同样利用好这些武器。
    If they need me to play the 3, I can use my rebounding to my advantage, which a lot of guys don't do. I use that as a positive.

5. 这句应该是说,他虽然没有很多背筐,但至少每次持球都是从在中锋应该在的地方,篮下开始的。
    He didn't get many post looks in the game that I saw, but at least he started each possession where every big man should - in the paint.

6. Walker说Aminu是一个全面的球员,他既可以面框跳投,也可以背筐单吃对手。
    Walker said Aminu is the player who can face up and take a jumper but also post up in the paint.

7. 背筐

7. 同时是一个定点射手和低位背筐得分手。
    Also functions as a spot up shooter and a back to the basket scorer in the post.

8. 那个背筐拾破烂的妇人识得好歹,她对那三个看门婆微笑,何等的微笑!
    This rag-picker was a grateful creature, and she smiled, with what a smile! On the three portresses.

9. 内线要位非常好,低位的各种基本功都很好,显示出力量和手感的完美结合。经常可以挤开防守队员然后打板投篮得分。背筐技术非常好,良好的脚步以及柔和的手指控制让他的跳勾、转身跳投、摆脱防守都不错。抢篮板时的卡位非常好,是一个合格的篮板手。当遭遇包夹时能把球高高举起以使球远离防守队员,并及时发现空位的队友,然后把球传出去。喜欢在内线的身体接触,并且非常善于制造对方犯规。有在对方身体接触下完成投篮的能力。低位防守中的卡位非常好。是一个渴望进步的聪明球员。
    Does a great job of establishing himself in the post … Fundamentally he is as sound as they come in the post … Displays a rare combination of power and soft shooting touch … It is not uncommon for Gasol to overpower his man and then shoot the ball off the glass … Back to basket skills are quite advanced … Owns a good assortment of moves as he can shoot the jump hook, turnaround jumper plus spin off his man for the soft finger roll … Quality rebounder in his area who does a solid job of boxing out opposing players … Hard player to double team as he keeps the ball high and away from guards and has the court vision to quickly kick the ball out to open teammates … Enjoys physical contact in the lane where he does an excellent job of drawing fouls from opposing defenders … Shows the ability to absorb contact and finish with relative ease … Does a good job of denying his man position in the post … Intelligent player with a great work ethic to improve

10. 以及他面对……时勇猛而完美的背筐步伐。
    And of his aggressive but perfectly paced post-up of Seattle rookie Mouhamed Sene.

11. 背筐的近义词

11. 优点:拥有为进入NBA做好准备的身体。在三秒区内足够强壮去承受身体接触然后得分。拥有3分跳投的能力。背筐技能有很大发展。。。转身跳跃很快。一个享受于身体对抗而且面对挑战不会退缩的有坚韧思想的运动员。不自私的球员,心甘情愿去团结队友们。。。身体对抗上他有作为高质量防守着所需要的所有手段:迅速的移动,很大的手,修长的胳膊,而且有优秀的篮球智商。一个会使用很多假动作并能用跳跃能力为自己创造得分机会的狡猾的得分者。他的运动能力和身体优势使他成为扎实的篮板手。在比赛中很少强迫某事的平静的球员。提高了工作道德并服从教练的球员。。。会很聪明的造对手犯规,攻防转换中用天赋得分的优秀的进攻终结者。展现了他是名知道怎样在无球时进行有效而且实用的移动的球员。
      Strengths: Possesses an NBA ready body that is strong enough to absorb contact in the lane and finish … Has three point range on his jump shot … Back to the basket skills are highly developed … Owns a nice turnaround jumper … Excellent finisher who is blessed with cat like body control to get off even the most difficult shots in traffic … Tough minded player who enjoys physical play and will not back down from a challenge … Unselfish player with the willingness to set-up open teammates … Physically he has all the tools needed to be a quality defender: quickness, good hands, long arms and intelligence … Crafty scorer who uses a number of fakes and his leaping ability to create scoring opportunities for himself … Solid rebounder due to his athleticism and body strength … Smooth player on the floor who lets the game come to him rarely forcing things … Coachable player with a great work ethic to improve … Does a great job of creating contact to draw fouls … Excellent finisher in transition where he will finish with flair … Emerging as a player who understands how to effectively move without the ball