

胪陈[lú chén]

词典narrate in detail缕陈。



胪陈 汉英大词典

胪陈[lú chén]

[书] (一一陈述) narrate in detail; state

胪陈 双语例句

1. 为了证明这一点,让我们把具体的事实胪陈于公正的世界人士之前
    To proe this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 5滚筒体。印版滚筒的滚筒不梢和其它滚筒体的给求根基上不同,这边不一再胪陈
    The body of the drum. A printing plate drum of drum and other requirements of the drum in basically the same, here.

3. UML用于对软件密集型体系的制品入行可视化、胪陈、构造和文档化,也可以用于业务建模以及其他非软件体系的建模,它是一种描绘体系蓝图的尺度语言,而且用UML描述的模型可与各种编程语言直接相联系关系。
    UML is used for software-intensive systems products for visualization, detail, construction and documentation, which also can be used for business modeling and other non-software system modeling, it is a blueprint depicting the system standard language, And with the UML models can be described with a variety of programming languages that directly associated with.

4. 它胪陈了几个色彩系统对于红绿的各样命名,单是日本人所著中国色名综览,依据MUNSELL色环罗列,以明度顺序为先,明度相同的,彩度高者先,红色,即有一百四十种红。
    A Japanese book on Chinese colors alone has 140 different reds, which, based on the MUNSELL Color Chart, are listed in order of shades, and within them by tints.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 胪陈了分布式数据仓库的体系构造和内部组织策略,并入行了联机剖析处置(OLAP)。
    The system framework and interior structure strategy of distributed data warehouse are described in detail, as well as on-line analytical processing (OLAP).