

胸有城府[xiōng yǒu chéng fǔ]

词典mental reservation胸有城府;对某项声明所持的保留。


胸有城府 汉英大词典

胸有城府[xiōng yǒu chéng fǔ]

mental reservation; reticence

胸有城府 双语例句

1. 胸有城府什么意思

1. 在普尔曼版本的福音故事中,玛丽有一对双生子而非独子——其中的耶稣得神恩赐、虔诚、谦卑,而他的兄弟基督则攻于心计、胸有城府
    As he tells the Gospel story, Mary did not have one son but twins—a gifted but pious and humble one called Jesus and his more calculating and sophisticated brother, Christ.

2. 可在那奇妙的假发之下那对光泽明亮的眼睛却闪着光辉。看来这人在训练成为台尔森银行的那种胸有城府、不动声色的表情的过程中确曾饱经磨练。
    A face habitually suppressed and quieted, was still lighted up under the quaint wig by a pair of moist bright eyes that it must have cost their owner, in years gone by, some pains to drill to the composed and reserved expression of Tellson's Bank.

3. 胸有城府的意思

3. 李姑很世故,胸有城府,有意无意间对桃姑语带挑衅,似乎颇有不满,却敢怒而不敢言。
    She tried to act as if she were very wise in the ways of the world, but at every point betrayed a shy and inexperienced awkwardness.

4. 胸有城府

4. 在普尔曼版本的福音故事中,玛丽有一对双生子而非独子&其中的耶稣得神恩赐、虔诚、谦卑,而他的兄弟基督则攻于心计、胸有城府
    As he tells the Gospel story, Mary did not have one son but twins & a gifted but pious and humble one called Jesus and his more calculating and sophisticated brother, Christ.

5. 在英语中,这个字面意思的实际意义是:让你的客户他们之中有些人胸有城府,有些没有进行一切能给高盛带来最高利润的交易。
    In English: get your clients some of whom are sophisticated, and some of whom arent to trade whatever will bring the biggest profit to Goldman.