

能写会算[néng xiě huì suàn]

词典can write and use the abacus能写会算。

能写会算 汉英大词典

能写会算[néng xiě huì suàn]

can write and use the abacus

能写会算 双语例句

1. 在看到恐怖分子能写会算,甚至还能开处方时,我们不应感到惊讶。
    We should not be surprised to find that terrorists can add up, read, and even write prescriptions.

2. 能写会算

2. 我这个人肚子里没有学问,可你能写会算,我实打实地问你一句:一个人死了之后是不是就一去不复返了呢,还是能重新活过来?
    Well, now, I'm no scholar, and you're a lad as can read and figure; and, to put it straight, do you take it as a dead man is dead for good, or do he come alive again?

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 从认字学数到能写会算,您为我们操了多少心,流了多少汗。
    Literacy learning from a few to be able to write and count, you speak for us the number of hearts, the number of sweat flow.

4. 能写会算是什么意思

4. 大伙儿推举了一位能写会算的人,把凡是要分的财物都列出清单,其中除了土地之外,还有家具、粮食、棉花、布匹等等。
    A man who could write was located and established in a cave where he wrote down all the things that were to be divided.