

脆生生[cuì shēnɡ shēnɡ]


脆生生 双语例句

1. 鸡嗉子很好吃,就是脆生生的口感不是我喜欢的。
    The chicken guts tasted good, but had that tendony texture that i dont really like.

2. 脆生生

2. 你能干什么,嗯?就靠这些脆生生的小象牙?
    What are you gonna do with those-Those flimsy tusks..?

3. 脆生生的反义词

3. 昨天我带着我的两只狗在外面时,那叫冷,我的鼻子和面部被冻得脆生生的,耳朵刺痛得难受。
    As I stood outside with my two dogs yesterday, it was so cold that my nose and face felt crisp and my ears were stinging.

4. 那些脆生生的豆角时光,亦成一群群,长苔的苍老童年。
    Those beans time students, but also as a group, long moss of the old childhood.

5. 童年时,常有脆生生的豆角被摘回,洗净,丢进沸水。
    Childhood, often students were picking beans back, Wash, into boiling water.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 瞧,金黄黄的小米粥、香喷喷的雪花馍、还有那脆生生白嫩嫩的小葱拌豆腐
    Look, golden yellow millet gruel, steamed fragrant snow, as well as those Cuisheng Leucomax Nennen the shallot mix tofu......

7. 脆生生什么意思

7. 鸡嗉子很好吃,就是脆生生的口感不是我喜欢的。
    The chicken guts tasted good, but had that tendony texture that I dont really like.

8. 脆生生什么意思

8. 她咬了口脆生生的苹果。
    She bit into a crisp apple.