词典an ossified way of thinking:脑子生锈。
1. 脑子生锈是什么意思
1. 大学毕业后有太长的时间是在闲着了,身体和脑子都有点生锈了。
After graduated from college, I have a long rest, body and mind become rusty.
2. 如果你继续这样懒下去,你的脑子一定会生锈的。
Keep on idling like this, and you will surely become torpid.
3. 在暑期中别让你的脑子生锈。
Don't let your mind rust during the summer vacation.
4. 在假期当中不要使你的脑子生锈。
Don't let your mind rust during the vacation.
5. turbo张写到:我的脑子都生锈了,为什么?
Why? Because I use calculators everywhere, on my mobile
6. 脑子生锈的反义词
6. 你的思想短路了,你的脑子生锈了,老兄!
Your information train is jammed, man!
7. 懒惰使脑子生锈。
Idleness is the rust of the mind.