

脸红耳热 双语例句

1. 想到这里,文祥脸红耳热,窘得说不出话来。
    When he thought of this, Wen Xiang blushed and was unable to utter a word.

2. 脸红耳热

2. 他们为公务员减薪问题而吵得脸红耳热
    They had a hot discussion over the pay cut of civil servants.

3. 脸红耳热的翻译

3. 那群男同事,脚法了得的寥寥可数,上场五分钟就脸色苍白,要离场休息三十分钟的大有人在。但这才是男人。看到平日彬彬有礼的男同事,为了一球而跟另一个男同事吵得脸红耳热。只觉得男人的粗鲁也有可爱的一面。
    Few has a good skill. their faces turn white just after five minutes. so many people need to rest for half an hour. but this is men. i just feel that there`s also something cute in the rudeness when see the polite colleague quarrel for a goal.

4. 脸红耳热的意思

4. 2009年9月24日凌晨一点左右,在歌坛称兄道弟的曹格与侧田,前后脚到中环卑利街一间酒吧消遣,期间疑两人在酒意下起冲突,曹格怒气冲冲步出酒吧,侧田则脸红耳热紧随其后,两人激烈口角,同行友人见状上前劝阻,但两人开始有肢体接触。
    At 1:00 on the September 24, 2009 about fraternizing in the singer Gary Chaw and side of the field, before and after the foot to Central Peel Street, a pub pastime, during which the two suspects under the clashes in the tipsy feeling, Cao angrily walked out of grid bars, Justin is heated blush, followed by two fierce quarrel, seeing this fellow came forward to dissuade his friend, but the two began to have physical contact.

5. 她激动得脸红耳热
    In her excitement her cheeks reddened and her ears burned.