1. 由於患者症状日渐严重於2002年6月住进本院就诊,在给予抗生素之后,接受全口拔牙以及腐骨切除术,术后伤口愈合良好。
In June 2002, he was admitted to our hospital to receive sequestrectomy and teeth extraction under the coverage of antibiotics. The wound healing was even postoperatively.
2. 腐骨的解释
2. 我们将提出一个服用双磷酸盐类而并发下颚骨坏死的病例,治疗方式使用大范围清创、腐骨切除术后合并抗生素治疗,术后一年伤口愈合良好,追踪迄今未有再发生骨坏死徵象。
We report 1 case of ONJ attributed to bisphosphonate administration. The treatment for ONJ included debridement, sequestrectomy and antibiotics. The wound healing well and no recurrent.