词典smelling of fish or mutton:腥膻。
1. 他问:那是否都是媒体的腥膻炒作?
He asks: is it all media sensationalism?
2. danci.911cha.com
2. 台湾社会的八卦文化,由口语之消息传播,转变为媒体大幅腥膻色之报导。
In Taiwan, the gossip culture has been transformed from interpersonal communication topic to popular news on mass media.
3. 我们被禁止了腥膻色,跳舞
We got a redlight, pornographic, the dance
4. 报纸不报导腥膻色的新闻
Where every newspaper is not full of war and violence....
5. 这道料理独特之处,是在於鱼的腥味及羊肉的膻味一起入锅炖煮之后,两者腥膻气味却能互相抵销,而产生一种「极鲜」的口感。
The mutton after boiled will be sweet, with no bad smell.
6. 在用于烹饪时,能除去油腻菜肴中的腥膻等异味,产生特殊香气,可以刺激消化液的分泌,增进食欲。
Used for cooking, they can remove the greasy dishes such as odor in Xingshan, resulting in a special aroma, can stimulate the secretion of digestive juice, increase appetite.
7. 力量的转换将会到来,这给予媒体一段时间有腥膻的新闻可报。
Transfers in power will arrive, feeding the media with sensational news for a time.
8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
8. 道教认为山林中修道能远腥膻,得清净。
Taoism believes that practice in mountain and forest can be far away of dirty and get peace.