

舍亲[shè qīn]


词典my relative舍亲。

舍亲 汉英大词典

舍亲[shè qīn]


[谦] my relative

舍亲 双语例句

1. 舍亲

1. 在这次地震中象谭千秋、王洪发这样的感人事迹有很多,谭千秋是舍己救人,王洪发是舍亲救人,他们在生与死的选择上,毫不犹豫地把生留给别人,把死留给自己或自己的亲人,这些普通人在关键时刻能豁得出来,事迹可歌可泣,令天地动容。
    In the earthquake in the ages as Tan, Wang Hong, the moving deeds of many, Mrs. ages is Shejijiuren, Wang Hong, is Sheqin rescue, In the choice of life and death, do not hesitate to leave the Health and others, to death or left to their own loved ones, these ordinary people can be excluded at a crucial moment arrived, heroic deeds, the world touching.

2. 他不只要慈济人走入人群,更要志工把家庭顾好才能做慈济,有别於传统佛教最高修行境界强调之「舍亲割爱」。
    She does not only want Tzu Chi members to walk into the multitudes, but also wants the volunteers to take care of their families before doing Tzu Chi – which is noticeably different from the traditional Buddhist concept of leaving the family behind.