

舍死忘生[shě sǐ wàng shēng]


词典risk one's life拼死;豁命;舍命;舍生忘死。

词典do sth. at the risk of one's life舍死忘生。


词典risk death and give up one's life for舍死忘生。

舍死忘生 汉英大词典

舍死忘生[shě sǐ wàng shēng]

risk one's life (for some worthy cause); do sth. at the risk of one's life; risk death and give up one's life for

舍死忘生 双语例句

1. 舍死忘生的近义词

1. 你可否为陌生的他舍死忘生
    Can you lay your life down, so a stranger can live?

2. 舍死忘生的翻译

2. 这些事情,虽然只是大地震的其中片片断断,不过它们都是大灾难中的中国人团结一致、面对逆境、舍死忘生的可歌可泣事迹。
    These are snapshots of the aftermath of the disaster, but they are stirring facts that show Chinese people would stick together in disaster and adversity and would risk their lives to save others.

3. 此幅「佛头赴难」图,象徵救援人员的心境,他们为救出幸存者舍死忘生,秉持「我不入地狱,谁入地狱」的精神完成壮举。
    After all sentient beings are saved, will I attain buddhahood and other words to describe the great vow of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.