

舛错[chuǎn cuò]




词典mixed up(常指因情感或社会问题而)头脑混乱的,迷惑不解的;卷入…的;牵连进…的;与…厮混在一起的;糊里糊涂;舛错。

舛错 汉英大词典

舛错[chuǎn cuò]

mishap; uneven; mixed up:


    There can't be any mishap.

舛错 双语例句

1. 舛错的翻译

1. 文章中的舛错是在所难免的,发现后改正就好了。
    That is fine, as long as they are corrected after being found.

2. 然而说到汽车的错误舛错,也许污染问题是第一位的。
    When, however, considering the drawbacks, perhaps poilution is of prime problems.

3. 舛错

3. 一小我的舛错是另一小我的教养。
    One man's fault is another man's lesson.

4. 舛错的意思

4. 而报纸也有一些错误舛错,如自然资本的年夜量耗损,新闻时效的滞后等。
    Newspapers, by contrast, are made of natural materials.

5. 若有舛错,后悔亦晚。
    If anything should happen, it would be too late for regrets.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 不会有什么舛错
    There can't be any mishap.

7. 舛错的意思

7. 可是将家庭创业和远程办公的优错误舛错做出比拟的话,可以辅佐我们来评估自己是否具备在家事项的资历。
    But the pros and cons of home businesses versus telecommuting come into play as we assess whether we even have the personality for working at home.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. 他应付生慷慨标致,应付舛错态度宽弘。
    He`s lavish in his response to life and generous to a fault.