

良朋[liánɡ pénɡ]

良朋 双语例句

1. 88:18 你使我的爱友良朋远离我;我的知友都在黑暗里。
    You have put far from me Lover and friend; My acquaintances are in darkness.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 38:11 我的爱友良朋,因我的灾病,都躲在旁边站着;我的亲属也远远的站立。
    Those who love me and those who are my friends stand aloof from my plague, And my relatives stand far away.

3. 只身去国,漂蓬沧海,一枝笔,当然闲不住,因为面前的白纸,乃是唯一可以推心置腹的知己良朋
    I went across the ocean, all alone, and my pen certainly would not remain idle. The blank paper on the desk became my lone companion.

4. 樵人之归,烟鸟之定,当然指的是必然的结果,既然要等待必然的结果,也就是良朋的到来,就需要大家共商大计,至於是什麼大计呢?
    Since one was waiting for an inevitable consequence, the coming of his good friend in the poem, everyone would be required to join the discussion and then draw up a master plan.

5. 我的良朋密友因我的灾病都躲在旁边站着;我的亲戚本家也远远的站立。
    My friends and companions avoid me because of my wounds; my neighbors stay far away.

6. 我们不尽是吃喝,亦有谈风说月,也有同事轮番遭受催迫献唱圣诗,欢笑声、喧闹声充斥饭厅…此情此景,想起以前读书的时光,在考试前夕,竟然去找知己良朋去玩乐,「念那天起步,怀内满挣扎,同寻觅真理…」就在我们同唱《同路人》(歌词在创刊号封面内页刊登过)时,刹那间勾起了大家同步风雨的日子。
    This spectacular moment reminded me of my school days, when I was fooling around with my best friends on the night before our examination.

7. 良朋

7. 你把我的良朋密友隔在远处,使我所认识的人,进入黑暗里。
    You have taken my companions and loved ones from me; the darkness is my closest friend.

8. 是耶稣驱散了我心中的黑暗是耶稣驱散了我心中的苦寒从此黑暗中的我见到了大光冰冷的心灵变成春天踏上茫茫人生路主把我扶挽脚前有了灯和光我不怕路遥远立定了一颗心跟著耶稣走不再苦苦问自已路怎麼这样难耶稣爱我用言语不能讲完万物废去斗转星移主爱永不变人生的真价值:有耶稣为至宝笑看万事如粪土主是我密友良朋走啊!
    There is lamp and light before my feet, I do not fear that the road is long.

9. 我愿做她的挚友良朋。所以,朋友是一剂良药。
    I'd like to be her intimate friend and good companion. So friends can be good medicine.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 我们只要让神的爱充满我们的心,并以神的话语作为指引我们每天生活的良朋,神必保守我们不会变成死守律法的伪君子。
    He will do so if our hearts are open to him, if his love fills our hearts and his Word is our daily companion.

11. 良朋

11. 我们愿是您一生一世的良朋益友,并且不断添加您人生价值的幸福砝码!
      We would like to be good friends of all your life, and to add in happinesses of your self-worth!

12. 良朋在线翻译

12. 麦健涛法官是杰出人物,既是爱护家庭的好丈夫和好父亲,也是我们的良朋益友。
      Colin was also a very fine person indeed; a loving husband and father, a good and close friend.

13. 良朋的解释

13. 这首诗如果就文字表面看来,指的是一个人在黄昏晚色、松月风泉中,等候良朋的到来。
      Literally, this poem refers to someone waiting in the dusk for his good friend.