

艰危[jiān wēi]


词典difficulties and dangers艰危。

艰危 汉英大词典

艰危[jiān wēi]

difficulties and dangers (confronting a nation)

艰危 双语例句

1. 我相信在艰危时刻会有巨大的力量从内迸发。
    I believe that inner strength emerges when times are desperate.

2. 意大利政局呈现的艰危和混乱状态,在新的一年中更加严重了。
    The bitterness and confusion of the Italian scene were heightened in the New Year.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 作为一家人,我们也应该手挽手,同甘乐,共艰危
    As a people, we should also.

4. 他感到这一去前途黯淡,等待着他们的不外是奔波劳累,艰危磨难。
    He saw the patrol ahead in a gloomy vista of fatigue and danger and misery.

5. 他过了二十年辛劳艰危的生活,由于长期无谓的战争,他的兵力耗损殆尽了;他的国库也取用一空;在他作了波希米亚王仅仅一年之后,他便与世长辞,并留下一个岌岌可危,内战将起的国家,和一个遗臭万年的骂名。
    For twenty years his life had been filled with labors and perils. His armies had been wasted and his treasuries drained by a long and fruitless struggle; and now, after reigning one year, he died, leaving his kingdom on the brink of civil war, and bequeathing to posterity a name branded with infamy.

6. 他们处境艰危,险象环生──即使能在战火中幸免于难,任何失败的结局都会让他们受到叛国的指控,被送上绞刑架。
    The odds against them were long and the risks enormous – for even if they survived the battle, any ultimate failure would bring charges of treason, and death by hanging.

7. 艰危的解释

7. 他们处境艰危,险象环生──即使能在战火中幸免于难,任何失败的结局都会让他们受到叛国的指控,被送上绞刑架。
    The odds against them were longand the risks enormous for even if they survived the battle, anyultimate failure would bring charges of treason, and death byhanging.

8. 艰危

8. 回家!经过了那么许多年,那么许多艰危以后。
    To return home! After so many years, so many perils.