

艺事[yì shì]



艺事 双语例句

1. 那段日子很漫长,不参加任何艺事活动。
    I didn`t take part in any artistic activities for a long time.

2. 艺事的近义词

2. 而对于艺术语言本身的关注,也是青和美术馆和南京艺事后素现代美术馆一贯的学术主张。
    We also pay special attention to artistic language itself, which is also the continued academic principle of Nanjing Qinghe Current Art Center and Nanjing White Canvas Gallery.

3. 多年里,曹跃潜心艺事,厚积薄发,我们之所以把他推荐给公众,除了作品所具有的收藏价值,还因为我们相信:未来的艺术之路,曹跃会走的更高、更远。
    Has been diving into fine art for years. We recommend him to the public, because we believe, Cao Yue will go further and higher in the future.

4. 艺事的近义词

4. 多年里,曹跃潜心艺事,厚积薄发,我们之所以把他推荐给公众,除了作品所具有的收藏价值,还因为我们相信:未来的艺术之路,曹跃会走的更高、更远。
    Cao Yue has been diving into fine art for years. We recommend him to the public, because we believe, Cao Yue will go further and higher in the future.

5. 我一生爱好艺事,八十五岁时刻印一方,上题《从艺七十载追求真善美》,自解自勉而已。
    Her passionate expressionistic and impressionistic works reflect her extraordinary love and celebration for Beauty and Nature.

6. 董其昌处于晚明的社会环境,使他不乐仕进而热衷于艺事,同时,他南北宦游,见多识广,所见古书画之多,可谓并世少
    Subjecting these statements to further scrutiny and examination, we discover that Dong Qichang was invariably prepositional in his approach to authentication.