

苍郁[cāng yù]



词典verdant and luxuriant苍郁。

苍郁 汉英大词典

苍郁[cāng yù]

[书] verdant and luxuriant

苍郁 网络解释

1. 苍郁的反义词

1. cangyu.net:yaoke.net 姚科,姚克,遥客,药科 | cangyu.net 苍宇,苍郁,苍欲,藏于,藏域,藏御 | chanyi.net 禅意,蝉衣,蝉翼,蟾衣

苍郁 双语例句

1. 大千用笔细谨而不繁琐雕饰,设色淡雅,益显清润苍郁,实属佳作。
    Echoing the Northern-school's style, it is executed with an application of light green ink.

2. 温带的居民无法设想苍郁茂密的热带植被。温带森林生态系统在所有生态系统中占有优势地位。
    The dwellers in temperate zones can have no idea of the luxuriance of tropical vegetation.

3. 苍郁繁茂,浓翠逼人,同荒寒的古城形成了强烈的对比。
    It made a sharp constrast with the cold and old city.

4. 苍郁

4. 苍郁繁茂,浓翠逼人,同荒寒的古城形成了强烈的对比。
    How`s a lush as well as the rich green press upon me which formed a striking contrast accordingly.

5. 苍郁是什么意思

5. 一株株都跟一层楼差不多高,以至我最初竟没有认出它们来。花色比国内的要多,除了红色的和白色的以外,记得还有黄色的。叶子比我以前看到的更绿得像绿蜡,花朵开在高高的枝头,更像片片的红霞、团团的白雪、朵朵的黄云。苍郁繁茂,浓翠逼人,同荒寒的古城形成了强烈的对比。
    Any trunk of them almost got one story high so that i could not recognize them in the first face. their colors were more numerous than domestic--besides red and white, there were yellow in memory. the leaf getting more green than before is alike of green candle and the flowers blooming on the top branchs were looked as flakes of red from sun, clots of snow and yellow cloud. they, flourishing and shedding green to everybody, contrasted to the desolate and cold accient city.

6. 一株株都跟一层楼差不多高,以至我最初竟没有认出它们来。花色比国内的要多,除了红色的和白色的以外,记得还有黄色的。叶子比我以前看到的更绿得像绿蜡,花朵开在高高的枝头,更像片片的红霞、团团的白雪、朵朵的黄云。苍郁繁茂,浓翠逼人,同荒寒的古城形成了强烈的对比。
    Any trunk of them almost got one story high so that i could not recognize them in the first face. their colors were more numerous than domestic--besides red and white, there were yellow in memory. the leaf getting more green than before is alike of green candle and the flowers blooming on the top branchs WHICH were looked as flakes of red from sun, clots of snow and yellow cloud. they, flourishing and shedding green to everybody, contrasted to the desolate and cold accient city.

7. 苍郁的古老森林,蔽阴着种类惊人的生物。
    Dark, ancient forests shelter an amazing variety of life.

8. 登楼北望,塔山在云雾中时隐时现,是阿里山佳境之一。南望林木苍郁,直觉是阿里山本来面貌。
    There are huge pictures about Alishan on the wall of the hall, all are very touching, they must be shot by some famous experts.

9. 苍郁的近义词

9. 五楼则以竹枝装嵌成室,中间有花棚一座,春来绿叶成荫,盆景苍郁列陈,四周餐厅环绕。
    Zhu Zhi assembly while the fifth floor of a room, a middle Shed, Spring green leaves of wood and bonsai Cangyu out Chen, surrounded around the restaurant.

10. 苍郁的反义词

10. 塞罕坝的夏天格外迷人,沿着伊逊河逆流而上百余里,峡谷变得越来窄,无边的林海象绿色的海洋扑面而来,循着迷官般的山路盘旋而上,就跃上了葱笼苍郁的塞罕坝。
    Saihanba exceptionally charming summer, along the Hudson River upstream in Iraq over a hundred years, is becoming increasingly narrow canyon, the boundless woodlands rushing toward us like a green sea, follow the official fan-like circling the mountain, on the hop on the Conglong verdant and luxuriant in Saihanba.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 它的代价小苍郁袋给你的电脑共计约进来
      It`s a small price to pay for a luxuriant bag to tot your computer around in.

12. 在那苍郁的夜色中
      In the blue veil of the night

13. 苍郁

13. 心中长得了一棵树,何时才能开放出一顶的苍郁呢?
      Hearts grow a tree, when can we open up one of the verdant and luxuriant it?

14. 温带的居民无法设想苍郁茂密的热带植被。
      Plants of tropical to temperate regions; usually in wet places.

15. 苍郁茂盛,氤氲淋漓的小墨山水,风格粗放,如《山雨图》、《古木寒泉图》等
      Bold black ink landscape paintings, such as Mountain Rain and Old Trees By a Cold Stream

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 高山顶部有无数冰山雪峰,天山山脉多苍郁深密的森林,山地生长着茂盛的牧草,是优良的天然牧场。
      There are numerous tip of the mountain at the top of the Xuefeng, the Tianshan Mountains and more deep verdant and luxuriant dense forests, lush mountains with the growth of pasture, is the natural pasture.

17. 你苍郁挺拔,在岁月的磨练中成长,每日迎着初升的旭日,沐浴着无际的云雾。
      You, verdant and luxuriant, tall and straight, grow through the temper of time: every day you greet the rising sun and bathe in the boundless croud and mist.

18. 覆盖大地的那种最苍郁的灌木,显得清清楚楚。
      The earth with the darkest vegetation was clearly marked.

19. 因为山地多,台湾各类型的登山活动相当风行,由郊山、中级山至攀登高山百岳,溪谷健行、溯溪探源,到长程越岭纵走,都可以藉著亲近苍郁溪谷,充分体验台湾的山林之美。
      As mountains can be found anywhere, mountain climbing is a popular leisure activity in Taiwan.

20. 苍郁的解释

20. 苍郁繁茂,浓翠逼人,同荒寒的古城形成了强烈的对比。
      It grew so verdant and exuberate, forming a strong contrast.