


词典sappan[医] 苏枋,苏方。


词典sappan lignum[医] 苏枋[木],苏方[木]。

词典sappan wood[医] 苏枋[木]。

苏枋 双语例句

1. 如染蓝色的染草具有杀菌解毒、止血消肿的功效;而染黄色的艾草,在民间是趋吉避凶的护身符;其它如苏枋、红花、紫草、洋葱等染料植物,也都是民间常用的药材。
    Blue dye staining such as the grass has bactericidal detoxification, reducing the effectiveness of hemostasis; and yellow dye Wormwood, in civil protective shield is evil; other, such as the Su Fang, safflower, shikonin, onion, such as dye plants, are also commonly used in folk medicine.

2. 国产植物染料通常有如下几种:蓝色染料--靛蓝;红色染料--茜草、红花、苏枋;黄色染料--槐花、姜黄、栀子、黄檗;紫色染料--紫草、紫苏;棕褐染料--薯莨;黑色染料--五倍子、苏木。
    Homemade vegetable dyes usually have the following: a blue dye - indigo; red dyes - madder, safflower, Su-Fang; yellow dye - Sophorae, turmeric, Gardenia, Phellodendron amurense; purple dye -- Shikonin, perilla; brown dye - potato scopolamine; black dye - gallnut, hematoxylin.