

Linger on with one's last breath of life;
苟延残息 双语例句

1. 苟延残息

1. 把我心里这一段苟延残息的感情,化成灰烬。
    Kill this struggling love in my heart, kill it totally.

2. 苟延残息

2. 跳舞也好,行军也罢,人民总是苟延残息地活下来,冀盼能活到煎熬到头的一日。
    Whether dance or march, the people drag on, hoping to outlive their tormentors.

3. 跳舞也好,行军也罢,人民总是苟延残息地活下来,冀盼能活到煎熬到头的一日。
    Whether dance or march, the people drag on, hoping to

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4. 跳舞也好,行军也罢,人民总是苟延残息地活下来,冀盼能活到煎熬到头的一日。
    Of making progress. Whether dance or march, the people drag on, hoping tooutlive their tormentors.