苦中作乐[kǔ zhōng zuò lè]
词典enjoy life though hard up:苦中作乐。
词典enjoy in adversity:苦中作乐。
词典enjoy ... in the midst of sorrow and adversity:苦中作乐。
词典enjoy oneself despite poverty:穷开心;苦中作乐。
苦中作乐[kǔ zhōng zuò lè]
enjoy life though hard up; enjoy in adversity; enjoy ... in the midst of sorrow and adversity; enjoy oneself despite poverty; find happiness in suffering; find pleasure during [in spite of] bitterness -- to console oneself; seek pleasure in sorrow; seek pl
1. Whistling past the graveyard:*Whistling in the dark 壮胆 | **Whistling past the graveyard 苦中作乐 | White as a sheet 极苍白的
2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
2. Mother did not attend Suu problems:Well done|不错 | Mother did not attend Suu problems|苦中作乐 | Are you looking for me?|你在找我?
1. 学会苦中作乐,最重要的是要有好心态。
Institute, the most important thing is to have a good mentality.
2. 我不认为原因是人们都喜欢苦中作乐。
I do not think that it is because people like sweet bitterness.
3. 但是我知道我不是,我只是苦中作乐而已。
But I know I am not, I only seek joy amidst sorrow.
4. 苦中作乐的翻译
4. 我坚持相信学习是一个艰巨缺课苦中作乐的过程。
And I also believe that study is hard work but with happiness.
5. 我们必须抓住每一次机会苦中作乐
And we've got to scrape the joy out of it|every chance we get.
6. 这又让我想起中国的一句成语:苦中作乐!
Again, this reminds me of the saying of the Chinese: Kuzhongzuoyue!
7. 苦中作乐
7. 总之,有一点就是——它很喜欢苦中作乐,幽默的恰到好处。
In short, there is one that is - it is very like Kuzhongzuoyue, humor just right.
8. 现在不早不晚,正是时候走入这个我给自己设定的漩涡,我心甘情愿,乐在其中虽然谈不上,但我会努力苦中作乐的
Or in the U. K., that's exactly the plan in my mind.
9. 我从镜头上看到,她并没有觉得自己是苦中作乐,并没有在强打精神,而是发自内心地热爱家庭,热爱孩子,热爱生活。
As I can see from the screen, she doesn`t find herself seeking pleasure from miserableness, nor does she piece herself together. She is doing all this out of her genuine love of her family, her children and life.
10. 苦中作乐
10. 但是我们也有苦中作乐,特别是周医师和光伟师伯不断地制造种种笑话。
But it was also a fun time. Dr Zhou and Stone SB were making all kind of jokes all the time.
11. 苦中作乐
11. 某些特定部门,例如医药和军队,都以苦中作乐出名,这相当于一种应对机制。
Certain sectors, such as medicine and the armed forces, have a reputation for a robust gallows humour, which works as a coping mechanism.
12. 苦中作乐是什么意思
12. 前者以学校为中介,让他们感受到市场原则并学会了在应试教育的压力下苦中作乐,形成了一套主要依据自己的人生经历建构起来的价值逻辑。
To the former, school is an intermediary that they feel the market principles and learn enjoying life though hard up from the exam-oriented education, a main basis for their own life experiences constructed value logic.
13. 苦中作乐在线翻译
13. 语言的幽默与说唱艺术的发展,展现了旗人在文化没落后,一种苦中作乐的心态和心理压力的释放。
The humorous language and the ballad-singing arts development show the release of the psychological pressures and the attitude in hard life under the backward culture environment.
14. 我们苦中作乐,可是等得起,不是吗?
We are tasting bitter sweet, but we can afford to wait, can't we?
15. 然而,北京本地人仍然能苦中作乐。他们中的大部分人对国家和北京有一定程度的自豪感。
Native Beijingers, however, are making the best of the situation. Most of them have a healthy dose of national and local pride.