

苦乐不均[kǔ lè bù jūn]


苦乐不均 双语例句

1. 导致的结果是,产油与炼油行业苦乐不均
    The result that bring about is, petroliferous as some gain as oil refining industry.

2. 另一方面,好多行业得不到奖金,特别是教育、科学研究机构、政府机关和军队,这就造成不合理的苦乐不均,造成新的社会问题。
    On the other hand, many people, particularly those in educational and scientific research institutions, government departments and the army, received no bonus at all.

3. 但是,城镇居民住房条件苦乐不均的现象还比较突出,城镇最低收入家庭难以依靠自身力量解决居住问题。
    However, the housing conditions of urban residents also suffered more prominent uneven urban lowest income families rely on their own strength to solve the housing problem is.

4. 住宅问题有三个方面的含义:一是住宅数量短缺;二是住宅质量不符合居民对现代化生活的要求;三是住宅分配上的资源浪费和苦乐不均
    Housing problem includes three aspects: First, the supply quantity is short, that is to say, the supply quantity is unable to meet the demand; Second, the housing quality can meet the demand of the resident to the modern life; Third, the housing resources`allocation is unfair and wasted.

5. 职工住房福利分配制度没有彻底打破,分配中苦乐不均的问题仍然存在;有的职工工作几十年,离、退休前未必能解决一套达标或相对满意的住房。
    Welfare housing distribution system is not working completely broken and uneven distribution network problems still exist; Some employees work for decades, from, a set of pre-retirement or may not be able to solve relatively satisfactory housing.