




词典skilful writer茂才。

茂才 双语例句

1. 作者:曹茂才(泉州师范学院中文系,福建泉州362000)点击数:4
    Chinese Department of Quanzhou Teaching College, Quanzhou 362000, China

2. 即使时光飞逝事过境迁,即使历史已渐渐被人淡忘,那刻骨铭心的兄弟情谊却丝毫不减,永远鲜活的是自己那些兄弟们的影像:王金存,焦大鹏,姜茂才,吕宽沟……在这个艰难地搜寻过程中,他顶着被人误解、迷惑、甚至被无端猜疑的种种坎坷,不论过程多么艰难,他从未想到过放弃,穷极一生只为了这个唯一的目标不懈努力,直到迟到的勋章放在牺牲的兄弟墓前,他这个曾经流过许多泪的刚强男儿,此刻却没有泪流,只是无憾于自己完成了一个生命不能承受之重的任务……。
    Even if the time flies, even if history has gradually changed, it is forgotten deep-rooted of brotherhood, but not always fresh is his brothers who WangJinCun image: JiaoDaPeng, JiangMaoCai, LvKuan ditch, ... In this difficult to search process, he braved misunderstood, puzzled, even by gratuitous suspicion of all, no matter how difficult bumpy process, he never thought up a lifetime, poor for the only goal unremitting efforts, until late in the medal of sacrifice, his brother's tomb of many tears flowed once the strong man, no tears flow, just enough to finish a life cannot bear the heavy task...

3. 河北省著名书法家陈茂才闻讯后欣然命笔:『天下第一龙』。
    And there are also stone fishes, snakes and other small dragons by the huge stone dragon.