

茧绸[jiǎn chóu]



词典tussah silk柞蚕丝;柞丝绸;茧绸。

茧绸 汉英大词典

茧绸[jiǎn chóu]


pongee; tussah silk

茧绸 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. pongee:pong 恶臭 | pongee 茧绸 | poniard 短剑

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. pungee:puncturevine 蒺藜 | pungee 茧绸 | pungent sesame oil 辣椒香油

3. pongeen:1096ponen. 玉米饼 | 1097pongeen. 茧绸 | 1098poniardn. 匕首,短剑

4. 茧绸

4. tussah silk fabric:flame-cleanning fabric 火浣布 | tussah silk fabric 茧绸 | dacian cloth 拷花布

茧绸 双语例句

1. 河南薄绸一种色彩均匀的茧绸纤维,最早由中国河南的家茧所产之丝制成
    A pongee fabric of even color made originally from silk produced by the silkworms of Henan, China.

2. 茧绸;山东府绸一种轻柔的薄布料,由中国或印度产的原丝或它们的仿制品织成
    A member of a people of possible European origin, living in Chinese Turkistan until about the tenth century.

3. 茧绸;山东府绸一种轻柔的薄布料,由中国或印度产的原丝或它们的仿制品织成
    A satin-finished silk fabric. A soft, thin cloth woven from Chinese or Indian raw silk or an imitation thereof.

4. 茧绸在线翻译

4. 茧绸;山东府绸一种轻柔的薄布料,由中国或印度产的原丝或它们的仿制品织成
    A fabric of sheer silk or rayon. A soft, thin cloth woven from Chinese or Indian raw silk or an imitation thereof.

5. 茧绸的意思

5. 周村从南方输入的商品主要是绸缎、杂货,在本地集散的商品则有棉布、生丝、丝绸、茧绸等。
    In Zhoucun, the goods imported from the South mainly were satins and groceries, and the goods that collected and distributed there were cotton, silk, satins, and so on.

6. 柞蚕丝和棉交织茧绸纯棉高支高密府绸织物特白整理工艺
    Wild silk pongee Extra Brightening Process for All Cotton High-Count and High-Density Poplin

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 山东率先放养柞蚕,制成茧绸,成为兼营桑柞的丝绸产区。
    It is Shandong where wild silkworm was earliest reared, and pongee as well as mulberry silks produced.

8. 茧绸的翻译

8. 本文认为柳疃茧绸是在当地自然环境恶劣,人民生活艰辛的条件下为弥补农业生产之不足而发展起来的,其起始年限大约在乾隆八年前后。
    The author believes that it dates back to about the eighth year of Qianlong Regime in the Qing Dynasty (1616 & 1911), when the local people developed silk industry to compensate the insufficient agricultural production under wretched natural conditions.