

茶镜[chá jìng]

词典tawny glasses茶镜。


词典yellow coloured glass茶镜。

茶镜 汉英大词典

茶镜[chá jìng]

(茶色眼镜) tawny glasses; yellow coloured glass

茶镜 双语例句

1. 茶镜的翻译

1. 古诗词刻字茶镜,使整个空间富有文化气息,同时也增加了空间的视距,延伸了空间。
    Ancient poems lettering tea mirror, allowing the entire space rich cultural atmosphere, but also increased the space of sight, extended space.

2. 由于光线太强,司机带上了一副茶镜
    The driver wore a pair of dark brown glasses because of the overly bright light.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 转个弯,接待处背景柱子的后面还有另一番的世界,镶嵌满灰茶镜的柱子,中间的间隔可以让更高大的人都能轻松通过,后面是VIP室和工作人员的办公室。
    Turn a corner, another world is revealed to you behind the background pillars at the reception area, the partition in the pillars decorated with gray tawny glasses can enable the people much higher to pass by easily. The VIP room and office of working staff are behind the pillar.

4. 茶镜的翻译

4. 其产品主要有:高级凹蒙玻璃,蒙砂玻璃,雕刻镜画,墙幕玻璃,真空铝镜,高级银镜,茶镜,灰镜,绿镜,金镜,黑镜,红镜,福特蓝镜等。
    Its products mainly include: the High Au-Mongolian glass, Frosted glass, carved mirror, glass curtain wall, vacuum aluminum mirrors, senior silver mirror, mirror tea, gray mirror, green mirror, gold mirror, black mirror, red mirror, Ford Blue microscopy.