

Jing Zhen;
荆榛 双语例句

1. 衣红追著找著,绕过了参差磊落的乱石,但见棘莽蒙密,荆榛齐人。
    Yi Hong chased after her, trying to find her.

2. 荆榛的翻译

2. 这部戏虽然好,不过,荆榛激烈,所以我不认为他应该赢。
    This is a good drama, but the competition is strong, and this doesn't win my vote.

3. 或者柴堆--那栋梁还是荆榛在烧,;火焰里总跳得出同样的光辉。
    Leaps in the flame from cedar- plank or weed.; And love is fire.

4. 或者柴堆--那栋梁还是荆榛在烧
    Let temple burn, or flax. And equal light

5. 或者柴堆--那栋梁还是荆榛在烧
    Leaps in the flame from cedar-plank or weed.

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6. 或者柴堆—那栋梁还是荆榛
    Leeps in the flame from cedar plank or weed.