1. 我觉得他们只是嫉妒得要草马,这视频很棒
I think they are just uber jealous as fuck, thats a nice video
2. 法国1个偏远地小城镇上,木匠的儿子于连自幼便是个聪颖好学的孩子,因为生长在一个英雄辈出的顷代,于连从小就对拿破仑崇拜得五体投地,因此自身也极具反抗精神。成年后的他本想在这位巨人的旗下,驰骋疆场、草马革尸,可这位英雄却已权倾势去。而于连仍不得不在门第和金钱主宰的时代里生活下去,没有财富、没有高贵的出身,就没有出头之日。
Julien, born to a carpenter's family in a remote small town, in France, was clever and eager to learn as a child. living in a era of heros, when young, he was filled with admiration for Napoelon and rebellious himself. he had wanted to fight and die in the battlefield in Napoelon's army, who, however, was in decline by then. after all, life for him had to continue, in an age dominated by rank and wealth and it seemed hopeless of achieving any success without wealth and noble origin. he had been haunted by his future problem and confronted with two opitons:retreat or fight back. being caught in the hesitation, Julien was at a loss about what to do and that combined with his burning desire for power to mould him a hyporite. at 19, he found that a career in the church might help him get meteoric prosperity.