

莠民[yǒu mín]


莠民 双语例句

1. 义民庙的起缘据庙方文献纪载,需追溯至西元1782年清朝乾隆年间林爽文之乱,当时台湾莠民倡乱延伸各地,以陈紫云为首的有志之士举旗起义,双方由北部到中部交战数次,终将乱军戡平,而生返义士收集於此次战役中奉献牺牲之两百余先烈忠骸归葬故土,以牛车载运的过程中途,到了新竹枋寮车停而牛不听驱策,因此众人认为此处必为吉地,於是将忠骸安葬今新竹义民庙后之山麓。
    According to historical data from the temple, the origin of Yimin Temple can be traced back to the rebellion of Lin Shuang-Wen in Ching Dynasty in 1782. After the rebellion ceased, the rest of survived soldiers tried to transport at least two hundred martyrs to a burial ground. However, something weird happened on the halfway. The cattle would not go further when they were in Fangliao, Hsinchu. People believed that cattle must know the place was a fortunate land, so they decided to bury the bodies at the foothill behind Hsinchu Yiming Temple.