

菜畦[cài qí]

词典vegetable garden菜圃;菜畦。


词典small sections of a vegetable plot菜畦。

词典vegetable bed菜畦。

菜畦 汉英大词典

菜畦[cài qí]


vegetable garden; small sections of a vegetable plot; vegetable bed

菜畦 网络解释

1. 菜畦的翻译

1. vegetablebed:vegetablebasketproject 菜篮子工程 | vegetablebed 菜畦 | vegetableblack 植物黑

菜畦 双语例句

1. 菜畦是什么意思

1. 花园里五彩斑斓,融融春光照亮碧绿的菜畦,翡翠般透明,斗艳的鲜花,竞相绽放,泠风吹开蜂蝶的逍遥;大海上风平浪静,丝丝咸风划开鱼儿的波浪,宝石般水灵,汹涌的巨浪,前赴后继,海燕翱翔在乌云压低的暴风雨中;沙漠中人烟稀少,炎炎烈日炙烤着贫瘠的荒石,地狱般死寂,琤王从的雪凉水,潺潺流淌,甘泉拉开绿洲的帷幕。
    Colorful garden of colorful, light spring green spring vegetable bed, jade-like transparent, Doo-Yan flowers, blooming race, cold wind and opened the Happy蜂蝶; calm sea, fishes fish salty gash of the wind waves, 水灵like precious stones, rough waves, one after the other, petrels soar down in the storm clouds; sparsely populated desert, the scorching sun baked the shortage of barren rock, hell dead, Cheng Wang snow from cold water, flowing babble, Ganquan started Oasis of the curtain.

2. 菜畦

2. 他有时花上半天时间去看蔬菜种植场的园地、生菜畦、粪草堆里的鸡群和拉水车轮子的马。
    He often spent half a day in gazing at a market garden, the beds of lettuce, the chickens on the dung-heap, the horse turning the water-wheel.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 过后,他又把巷子两旁的土地,分段分块,零零碎碎地卖了出去,而买了这些地的业主们,分在巷子两旁,总以为竖在他们眼前的是一道公用的单墙,决想不到还存在那么一长条石板路蜿蜒伸展在他们的菜畦和果园中的夹墙里。
    The pavilion, built of stone in the taste of Mansard, wainscoted and furnished in the Watteau style, rocaille on the inside, old-fashioned on the outside, walled in with a triple hedge of flowers, had something discreet, coquettish, and solemn about it, as befits a caprice of love and magistracy.

4. 不必说碧绿的菜畦,光滑的石井栏,高大的皂荚树,紫红的桑椹;也不必说鸣蝉在树叶里长吟,肥胖的黄蜂伏在菜花上,轻捷的叫天子忽然从草间直窜向云霄里去了。
    Nor need I speak of the long shrilling of the cicadas among the leaves, the fat wasps couched in the flowering rape, or the nimble skylarks who suddenly soared straight up from the grass to the sky.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. 现在菜园里出产丰富而且不怕鸟来,许多菜畦分种着莴苣、卵形马铃薯、酸模、芜菁、萝卜和其他十字花科的植物。
    The kitchen garden, now well stocked and carefully defended from the birds, was divided into small beds, where grew lettuces, kidney potatoes, sorrel, turnips, radishes, and other coneiferae.

6. 田野静默,远远地只有几位农人若隐若现,在菜畦中收获。
    Paddy fields being tranquil, a couple of farmers, indistinct afar, were reaping among the vegetable plots.

7. 菜畦的翻译

7. 刺蝟拿走了他赢的白兰地和金路易,把他的女人从菜畦里叫了出来,欢天喜地回家了。
    In the middle of the field, with blood flowing from his neck, he fell dead to the ground.

8. 不长草的树间是村民们开垦的菜畦
    Short grass among the trees is the cultivation of the vegetable bed villagers.

9. 但那只刺o只跑了两三步远就蹲在了菜畦沟里,并安安静静地呆在了那儿。
    But the hedgehog ran only about three steps and then ducked down in the furrow and remained there sitting quietly.

10. 菜畦的翻译

10. 看那金黄的稻田,红色的高粱,白色的棉花,碧绿的菜畦,还有各色鲜艳的花朵,无不以自己独特的色彩,来为秋天涂上浓重的一笔。
    Look at golden rice, red sorghum, white cotton, green vegetable bed, there are bright colored flowers, without exception, in its own unique color to the fall of a heavy coated.

11. 刺o拿走了他赢的白兰地和金路易,把他的女人从菜畦里叫了出来,欢天喜地回家了。
      The hedgehog took the gold louis d'or and the bottle of brandy he had won, called his wife from her furrow, and happily they went back home.