萍踪浪迹[píng zōng làng jī]
词典be a restless fellow like a drifting water plant:萍踪浪迹。
词典come and go without trace:萍踪浪迹。
词典floating about free as duckweed:萍踪浪迹。
词典have no fixed abode because of constant traveling:萍踪浪迹。
萍踪浪迹[píng zōng làng jī]
be a restless fellow like a drifting water plant; come and go without trace; floating about free as duckweed; have no fixed abode because of constant traveling
1. 她真真是个好眼力了、可是他倘或不来,他萍踪浪迹,岂不耽搁起人家来了?
A good vision. but he isalways vagabond, if he never comes, what abou her?