

落霞[luò xiá]


落霞 网络解释

1. 落霞的反义词

1. Sunset Glow:风采依旧As Elegant as Ever | 落霞Sunset Glow | 灯楼暮影Reflection of a Watchtower in Late Afternoon

落霞 双语例句

1. 落霞

1. 当深秋最后一片叶子落到泥土上时,我已经厌倦了萧瑟的秋风,寂静的星子;厌倦了落霞与孤鹜,松涛与鸽哨。
    When the last piece of late autumn when the leaves fell to earth, I'm tired of bleak autumn, quiet planetesimals; tired of Luoxia with solitary duck, Greenfield and whistles.

2. 落霞

2. 多谢tom!我们永远支持你孤骛与落霞齐飞,秋水共长天一色。
    Life is like a box of chocolates. you never konw what you're gonna get!

3. 愿你的生命中有够多的云翳,来堆成一个美丽的落霞
    May there be enough cloud s in your life to make a beautiful sunset.

4. 落霞

4. 愿你生命中有够多的云翳,来造成一片美丽的落霞
    May there be enough clouds, in your life to make a beautiful sunset.

5. 我爱上一位艳如秋阳的佳人,落霞洒在她的发梢
    I loved a maid as red as autumn, with sunset in her hair

6. 落霞的翻译

6. 由清风落雪所描绘,还有落霞的云烟。
    Painted by winds and snow, and strands of sunset glow.

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7. 落霞与孤鹜齐飞。
    Rosy evening clouds and lone ducks fly together.; Sunset clouds float with the lone wild ducks.

8. 青山绿草,落霞飞花,素云金叶,碧海长天,共同编织成了我们五彩斑斓的地球。
    The green grass, red flowers, white snow, yellow leaves and blue seas make up our colourful earth.

9. 落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。
    A lonely wild duck flies with the sunset clouds; the autumn river mirrors the color of the sky.

10. 落霞中拥着爱人骑在马背上缓缓而行,有种要浪迹天涯去私奔的感觉哈哈。之后再享用一顿两人晚餐,真是再浪漫不过了!
    Going for a sunset ride and then having a romantic dinner for two is one of the most romantic dates.

11. 老人喜欢独自看落霞,因为在那时,孤寂苍老的心会感受到亲人的温馨;恋人喜爱相依看落霞,因为在那时,浪漫的气息会让情意更浓更淳;孩子喜欢招朋引伴看落霞,望着天边变化的云,幻想骑上白马奔驰……一切的一切,都不禁让我想到一个词——和谐。
      Old people like to look at Luoxia alone, because in that time, the lonely hearts of hoary relatives will feel the warmth; lovers love to see Luoxia dependent, because at that time, romantic atmosphere will make even more affective thicker Atsushi; kids love Dr.

12. 又是九月九,金秋菊月,茱萸登高,落霞孤鹜,秋水长天。
      Another September 9, golden autumn and chrysanthemum, melanophylla ascend climbing, sunset and solitary duck, fall stream and long days.

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13. 利用水文中评价旱涝的标准得出如下结果:与基准年(1961-1990年)相比,未来近百年间,莺落霞水文站的流量在四种气候变化情景下均有随时间减少的趋势,且平水年出现的概率减小,流量出现丰、枯两极分化的趋势,因此在未来近百年间要加强预防旱涝灾害的措施。
      Therefore, measures to prevent drought and waterlogged disaster should be strengthened in the following one hundred years.

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14. 落霞沟位于云南省,距离昆明市250公里。
      Luo Xia Gou is in Yunnan Province, 250km from Kunming City.