

Mongolia Molina;
蒙鸠 双语例句

1. 南方有一种鸟,名叫蒙鸠,它用羽毛做窝,还用毛发把窝编结起来,把窝系在芦苇的花穗上,风吹来,苇穗折断,鸟蛋打破,小鸟摔死。
    There is a kind of bird, named mengjiu which makes its nestle with its plume and knot it together with feather, and tire it on the bulrush, when comes the wind the result is that the bulrush is broken, its eggs smashed and its babies fallen dead.

2. 蒙鸠的近义词

2. 一只蒙鸠,四只百灵。
    Four Larks and a Wren.