

虚岁[xū suì]

词典nominal age虚岁。

虚岁 汉英大词典

虚岁[xū suì]


nominal age

虚岁 双语例句

1. 虚岁

1. 我12虚岁,我的周岁是10岁,他12周岁,所以他比我高很多。
    My actual age is 10.He is 12, so he is much taller than me.

2. 我现在虚岁70了。
    I am advanced 70 now.

3. 虚岁

3. 再过2,3年,就30了。MBA毕业那年,差不多30虚岁了。
    Just live your life well, take care of yourself, and don't hope too much.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 一红出生于1970年,按照中国虚岁的说法,今天是她36岁的生日。
    Her mother was an accountant and her father graduated from an aerospace institute.

5. 年龄应该控制在23虚岁到26周岁之间,虽然这范围之外还是有不少人很优秀,但是考虑到本人年龄所限,暂定于此。
    Age from virtual 23 to reallity 26, though there are more excellent girls out of this range, but my condition limit it.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 在中国72正好是73的虚岁,84正好是83的虚岁
    In China, 72 years old is equal to 73 years of nominal age.

7. 虚岁什么意思

7. 什么是虚岁
    What is nominal age?

8. 虚岁的近义词

8. 是不是虚岁比周岁多2岁?
    Is nominal age 2 bigger than actual age?

9. 虚岁在线翻译

9. 公式是:49+你怀孕的农历月份-你怀孕时的虚岁年龄
    The formula is: 49 + of the Lunar month of your pregnancy - the nominal age when your age pregnancy If the result is

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10. 我们这算的是虚岁,所以我是22
    Our this calculates is an age, therefore I am 22