


词典mimeograph stencil蜡版。

蜡版 网络解释

1. chkj:chki 互补 | chkj 蜡版 | chla 互生

蜡版 双语例句

1. 蜡版的意思

1. 蜡版中心的防尘盖同样采用非木质高纯度的铜芯线,保证了极低的失真
    The voice coil is made of super high purity copper wire to achieve extremely low distortion.

2. 蜡版在线翻译

2. 孔版制卡和会员卡制作是指印版的图文局部可透功油不朱漏印至承印物上的制卡和会员卡制作方法,它不合丝网制卡和会员卡制作,不毁写版、打字蜡版和镂空版制卡和会员卡制作。
    Hole Edition business card printing and membership card making is part of the finger version is accessible through the ink stencil to substrate of cards and membership cards, it is divided into screen business card printing and membership card production, the reputation of their writing, typing stencil and knock-out version of the business card printing and membership card.

3. 你会刻蜡版吗?
    Do you know how to cut a stencil?

4. 宋代的雕版印刷文字达到精湛的水平,当时有木板印刷、铜版印书、蜡版印刷。
    At that time, woodblock printing, Copperplate printed book, Wax printed book.

5. 第四类用作蓝印花布的雕花蜡版,花布可以用来缝衣服、被罩、门帘或窗帘、包裹、围巾、披肩等等。
    The fourth is used as a stencil for indigo prints, which are used for clothing, quilt covers, door and window curtains, cloth wrappers, aprons and scarfs.