


词典glastly pale蜡白。

词典deathly pale蜡白;煞白。

蜡白 双语例句

1. 片刻,他被一个矮而瘦、面色蜡白的男人招呼了进去。
    Seconds later, he was greeted by a short, thin, waxy-looking man.

2. 他脸色蜡白,像是大病初愈。
    It looks like he just recovered from a severe illness.

3. 西比尔姨妈有一双带粉红晕圈的蔚蓝色的眼眸,脸色是蜡白的。
    Aunt Sybil had pink-rimmed azure eyes and a waxen complexion. She wrote poetry.

4. 蜡白

4. 她已没有了呼吸;那半开半闭的牙齿间已不再有气息通过;那雪白嘴唇已停止了颤动;那一对眼睛似乎浮在浅蓝色的雾气里,又长又黑的头发散在那蜡白的脸颊上。
    The young girl no longer breathed, no breath issued through the half-closed teeth; the white lips no longer quivered--the eyes were suffused with a bluish vapor, and the long black lashes rested on a cheek white as wax.