

蠢事[chǔn shì]






蠢事 汉英大词典

蠢事[chǔn shì]

folly; tomfoolery:


    commit a folly; play the fool

蠢事 网络解释

1. jackassery:jackass 傻瓜 | jackassery 蠢事 | jackboot 长统靴

2. 蠢事在线翻译

2. sottise f:5400 sortie f. 离开,下班,放学,散会,出门,出口,出产 NULL ~debain浴巾,浴衣 | 5403 sottise f. 愚蠢,蠢事,蠢话,骂人话 NULL NULL | 5406 soucoupe f. 茶托,茶碟 NULL NULL

蠢事 双语例句

1. 虽然你也许觉得奇怪,一个像我这样潦倒的人还会去分辨这样丢人和那样丢人的不同,但我还是要老实地承认,这么一掷千金地在你身上花钱,让你挥霍我的钱财,害你也害我;做这等蠢事对我来讲,在我看来,使我的破产带上了那种庸俗的由穷奢极欲而倾家荡产的意味,从而令我倍加愧怍[9g]。
    And though it may seem strange to you that one in the terrible position in which I am situated should find a difference between one disgrace and another, still I frankly admit that the folly of throwing away all this money on you, and letting you squander my fortune to your own hurt as well as to mine, gives to me and in my eyes a note of common profligacy to my Bankruptcy that makes me doubly ashamed of it[9g].

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 对于一个大臣来说,说蠢话比干蠢事更危险。
    It is even more damaging for a minister to say foolish things than to do them.

3. 蠢事什么意思

3. 如果你不听我的,你肯定会做出蠢事来的。
    If you don't listen to me, you will certainly do something stupid.

4. 如果你不听我的,你肯定会做出蠢事的。
    If you don`t listen to me, you will certainly do something stupid.

5. 蠢事什么意思

5. 我希望我没有做什么蠢事
    I hope I didn't do anything stupid.

6. 我可能做了该死的蠢事。。。
    I may do a lot of stupid shit...

7. 蠢事什么意思

7. 我不想做蠢事,但我就是不行。
    I don't want to do stupid things but I just can't help it.

8. 我买这坨屎花了40欧元,别跟我做一样的蠢事,为什么游戏制作者毁了这一切?
    I Buy crap for over 40 euros, don't you do the same mistake. Why game makers always ruin everything?

9. 蠢事的翻译

9. 一个人在年轻的时候,往往会干些蠢事
    When one was young one often did silly things.

10. 蠢事是什么意思

10. 愚人的蠢事算不得稀奇,聪明人的蠢事才叫人笑痛肚皮;因为他用全副的本领,证明他自己愚笨。
    Fool's folly guesses that folly of not to strange, clever people lets people be in convulsions of laughter just now; Because of he uses complete ability, certificate himself is clumsy

11. 他和朋友找碴儿打架是一件蠢事
      It was a foolish thing to pick a fight with his friend.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 和他的邻居找碴儿打架是一件蠢事
      It was a foolish thing to pick a fight with his neighour.

13. 我们在这些方面不是没有出于好心而做出了事与愿违的蠢事的。
      We are not in these areas are not made out of good intentions and unintended folly.

14. 蠢事的解释

14. 他侮辱和愚弄山穷水尽的伦尼,让他去做那样的蠢事
      He insulted and fool at the lennie, let him do stupid things.

15. 蠢事在线翻译

15. 和希腊悲剧中一样,金融界最普遍的双簧表演要么表现的高高在上,深奥难懂,要么表现的像一件令人尴尬和羞耻的蠢事
      IN FINANCE, as in Greek tragedy, one of the commonest pairings is between hubris and sheer, toe-curling folly.

16. 看我揍你。谁教你干这样的蠢事,嗯?
      I'll give you something better -- I'll give you a cowhide.

17. 我明白无误地告诉他,他做了件蠢事
      I told him in so many words that he was foolish to have done that.

18. 陷入浆果者之中的受害者会在所有喝、吃以及咬的检定上失败,并作出各种搞笑的动作和蠢事
      While partying among the bacchae, those who failed their saves drink, eat, and engage in all manner of pranks and foolery.

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19. 你做了那么多蠢事还不够啊?
      Of all the dipshit things to do.

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20. 好吧,你做了蠢事,你要为之付出代价。
      Well, you have acted foolishly, and you will pay for it.