

Juan paper;
蠲纸 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 温州唐宋时期造纸业也很发达,所产蠲纸以洁白、细密、匀称润滑而闻名,北宋至道(995—997)年间曾列为贡品。
    The Wenzhou dynasies nitrate. thanks also are well developed, with Juan paper produced by creativity, jiebai formhe lubricative muralart, the Northern Song dynasty to road (995-997) worked as the tribute.

2. 张秀民先生在论述五代吴越国的制卡和会员卡制作时提及:温州出蠲纸,洁白坚滑,过于高丽纸。
    Wudai in the centary of Wuyue Kingdom of business card printing and membership card when mention: the Wenzhou, Juan-paper jiebai-kin, are too gaoli paper.