

衣锦荣归[yì jǐn róng guī]

词典return home with high honours衣锦荣归。

衣锦荣归 汉英大词典

衣锦荣归[yì jǐn róng guī]

return home with high honours

衣锦荣归 网络解释

1. The Dress Returns in Glory:一夜歌星/Overnight Singer | 衣锦荣归/The Dress Returns in Glory | 沂蒙颂*/Song of Yimeng Mountain

衣锦荣归 双语例句

1. 这是我们在倍莫斯见过的年轻的朋友斯帕文先生,他得了学位,现在正乘着一辆橙黄色的马车正衣锦荣归呢。
    It was our young acquaintance of Baymouth, Mr.

2. 衣锦荣归什么意思

2. 这是我们在倍莫斯见过的年轻的朋友斯帕文先生,他得了学位,现在包了一辆橙黄色的驿车正衣锦荣归呢。
    It was our young acquaintance of Baymouth, Mr Spavin, who had got his degree, and was driving homewards in triumph in his yellow postchaise.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 这是我们在倍莫斯见过的年轻的朋友斯帕文先生,他得了学位,现在正乘着一辆橙黄色的马车正衣锦荣归呢。
    It was our young acquaintance of Baymouth, Mr. Spavin, who had got his degree, and was driving homewards in triumph in his yellow postchaise

4. 衣锦荣归

4. 希斯克利夫的衣锦荣归,更把她抛进悲愧交并的深渊。
    Study of Heathcliff's clothing Jinrong final, her being thrown into the abyss of sorrow and shame turn.

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5. 失去守护神,令每位村民惊惶失控,阿丁自告奋勇,独自前赴曼谷市夺回佛头,出门前受到庙内的师傅传授独门秘籍,练得一身好功夫,最后丁能否取回佛头,衣锦荣归呢?
    Loss of patron saint, so that each of the villagers panic out of control, indigenes volunteered, went to Bangkok alone, the Buddhas head back out in front of the temple by the master to teach Dumen Cheats trained in a good effort, finally able to retrieve the small Buddha head, clothing Jinrong return it?