

表侄[biǎo zhí]

词典one's maternal cousin's son表侄。


词典son of a male cousin表侄。

表侄 汉英大词典

表侄[biǎo zhí]

one's maternal cousin's son; son of a male cousin

表侄 网络解释

1. 表侄在线翻译

1. Second cousin:表兄弟Maternal male cousin | 表侄Second cousin | 表姊妹Father's sister's daughters; female cousin

表侄 双语例句

1. 从他母亲那边算起他是我隔了一代的表叔,我从他父亲那边算起是他隔了两代的表侄,如果你能听明白的话。
    He's my second cousin once removed on his mother's side and my third cousin twice removed on his father's side, if you follow me.

2. 表侄是什么意思

2. 他以前曾去过斯坦希尔,不过那是很久以前的事,他那几位年轻的表侄女记不得他了。
    His countenance was thoroughly good-humoured; and his manners were as friendly as the style of his letter.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 信是我的表侄柯林斯先生寄来的。我死了以所屋子,就什么时候撵出去。
    Collins, who, when I am dead, may turn you all out of this house as soon as he pleases.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 信是我的表侄柯林斯先生寄来的。
    It is from my cousin, Mr.

5. 表侄什么意思

5. 他叫柯林斯,一个可怕的表侄
    His name's Mr Collins, the dreaded cousin.

6. 表侄的翻译

6. 不过乌鸦的表侄表侄女在另一只船上吓哭了,汗。
    But my nephews on the other boat was crying because of frightened, swt.

7. 因此,能对几个表侄女表明一番好意,使他感到一个好心人的由衷喜悦;而能让一家女眷住进他的乡舍,却又使他感到一个行猎爱好者的由衷喜悦。
    The friendliness of his disposition made him happy in accommodating those, whose situation might be considered, in comparison with the past, as unfortunate.

8. 他叫柯林斯,一个可怕的表侄
    His name's Mr collins, the dreaded cousin.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 他以前曾去过斯坦希尔,不过那是很久以前的事,他那几位年轻的表侄女记不得他了。
    He had formerly visited at Stanhill, but it was too long for his young cousins to remember him.

10. 表侄的翻译

10. 信是我的表侄柯林斯先生寄来的。我死了以后,这位表侄可以高兴什么时候把你们撵出这所屋子,就什么时候撵出去。
    It is from my cousin, Mr. Collins, who, when I am dead, may turn you all out of this house as soon as he pleases.

11. 表侄在线翻译

11. 或者说是隔三辈的第四代表侄
      Or your fourth cousin three times removed.