装痴卖傻[zhuāng chī mài shǎ]
feign ignorance
1. 他说过,下下人有上上智。他们恪守己见,笃行己路。洞察悉知,却假装懵懂,装痴卖傻。内心澄澈光明,面目却混沌昏暗,一如瓦湖,深不可测,但形象却黑暗泥泞。(说到路,这世上本来没有,都是贪走便道的人,用鞋底造成的。路,抽象了,就是道。大到之行也,天下为公。是有公路,公路之后,有公道。公道是什么道?公开,公平,公正,是三公道。大道是什么道?民以食为天,国以民为天。大路朝天的大道。
He suggested that there might be men of genius in the lowest grades of life, however permanently humble and illiterate, who take their own view always, or do not pretend to see at all. who are so bottomless even as Walden pond was thought to be, though they may be dark and muddy.
2. 哪怕是装痴卖傻,只要他们开心,我就很开心;只要看到他们的笑脸,我就很满足。
I love to see them smiling and would spare no effort to win their smiling faces. It is so satisfying to see their smiling faces!