1. put on airs:Put money in command. 金钱挂帅 | put on airs 装腔作态 | rational structure 结构合理
1. 装腔作态在线翻译
1. 最初她似乎是在装着一个歌女或舞女,所以她尽向着那镜里的人装腔作态,扬眉飘目的。
At the beginning she seemed to be pretending to be a singsong or dancing girl, so she put on affected airs for the person in the mirror, raising her eyebrows and looking at the ceiling.
2. 装腔作态
2. 人们在保持本来面目的时候,绝对不会是可笑的。只有在装腔作态的时候,他们才是可笑的。
People are never ridiculous for being what the really are, but for affecting what they really are not.
3. 人们在保持本来面目的时候,绝对不会是可笑的;只有在装腔作态的时候,他们才是可笑的。
People are never ridiculous for being what they really are, but for affecting what they reallyare not.
4. 装腔作态的解释
4. 人们在保持本来面目的时候,绝对不会是可笑的;只有在装腔作态的时候,他们才是可笑的。
People are never ridiculous for being what they really are, but foraffecting what they really are not.
5. 装腔作态在线翻译
5. 但我觉得,这企图并不永远是完全直率的,不无装腔作态(这对于创造者实在是一个严峻的考验,他必须永远不曾意识到、不曾预感到他最好的美德,如果他要保持住那美德的自然而混元的境地)。
Of all my books, I find only a few indispensable, and two of them are always with me, wherever I am. They are here, by my side: the Bible, and the books of the great Danish poet Jens Peter Jacobsen. Do you know his works?
6. 装腔作态的翻译
6. 齐老先生的虾虫经年不衰,绘画到此好像停滞了,终结了,而真正的知识层里,那些淡泊了名利,洞穿过世事的饱学之士,他们对艳美精致,鲜丽巧琢之作非但不认可,反而感到厌烦,对那些装腔作势的激昂,夸张激越的作态一定是以鼻斥之,一个画家在作画之先,首先要确定自己的画是画给谁看的,潘家园、琉璃厂、798、中国美术馆、今日美术馆,他们都有各自的受众,而这些受众中,是谁在引导谁去正确的看待人生,对待文化,或者换一种说法,是哪些人最有资格代表人来作出审美评判。
In the past, priority was given to whether it is feast for eyes or it is beautiful and elegant or it is suitable for both refined and popular tastes when evaluating a piece of art works.