

装蒜[zhuāng suàn]



词典pretend not to know装蒜;诈为不知;佯作不知;装糊涂。

词典feign ignorance装洋蒜;装蒜;装糊涂;装痴卖傻。


词典make a pretence装蒜。

装蒜 汉英大词典

装蒜[zhuāng suàn]

[口] pretend not to know; feign ignorance; make a pretence:

  例:他生气地高喊一声: “我们有任务, 别装蒜。”

    “We have a mission to perform. Quit pretending.” cried he angrily.

装蒜 双语例句

1. 你要是再装蒜,我就教你怎么治好自己的转世者废话症。
    You keep that up, and I'll tell you where you can stow that Living One rubbish.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. ! 别装蒜
    Don't play possum

3. 装蒜什么意思

3. 你知道我的意思,别装蒜了!
    You know what I mean. Don't play innocent!

4. 装蒜什么意思

4. 我知道你只是装蒜
    I know you were only playing possum.

5. 别装蒜了,告诉我你到底要什么!
    Stop posing and tell me what you want!

6. 装蒜是什么意思

6. 你知道我的意思,别装蒜
    You know what I mean.

7. 别装蒜啦,告诉我们你的真实想法吧。
    Stop posing and tell us what you really think.

8. A:别跟我装蒜,你知道我在说什么。
    You know what Im talking about.

9. 装蒜的意思

9. 你知道是什么东西还装蒜
    Sawyer: Oh, you know well and damn well what stuff!

10. 装蒜在线翻译

10. 他生气地高喊一声:“我们有任务,别装蒜。”
    “ We have a mission to perform. Quit pretending. ” cried he angrily.

11. 你比谁都明白,别装蒜了!
      Don't pretend, you know better than anyone.

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. 脆弱的人生又能有多少人和事经得起装蒜与矜持?
      How many people and things in their fragile lives could bear feigning ignorance or strangeness?

13. 少给我装蒜
      Stop pretending!

14. 你知道我的意思,别装蒜
      You know what I mean. don't play innocent.

15. 不要装蒜,那不是真的。
      Don't be soft. it's not real.

16. 装蒜

16. 别跟我装蒜你不知道。
      Stop me when I get to the part you don't know.

17. 先搭好架子,再充实内容。够了,别再装蒜了!
      First make an outline and then fill in the content. The time has come to stop pretending!

18. 爱情从幼年开始就学会了装蒜
      And love is taught hypocrisy from youth.

19. 装蒜的近义词

19. “您真会装蒜,”思嘉说。
      " You're a mighty sweet old liar, " she said.

20. “我才不在乎呢!”丈夫怒气冲冲地回答,“咱们心里想的都一样,要不是假仁假义地装蒜,你也会实话实说。”
      " I don't care!" retorted the angry man. " it's the way you feel, and if you weren't so immorally pious you'd be honest and say so. "