

裙撑[qún chēng]





裙撑 汉英大词典

裙撑[qún chēng]

bustle; pannier

裙撑 网络解释

1. 裙撑的意思

1. crinoline:由最初的庞克到新浪漫风(New Romantics),以至其海盗系列(Pirates),Vivienne Westwood都在创造潮流,她把束胸衣(Corset)及裙撑(Crinoline)重现於现代时装市场,确立其於国际时装界之领导地位.

2. farthingale:女装仍流行车轮状的裙撑(farthingale). 后来逐渐地,裙撑在前身部分变得平坦. 整体的服装外形变得平缓、柔和和浑圆. 领子开得很低,圆领. 在西班牙和荷兰,裙子在腹部处用鲸骨拉长为一个僵硬的u形. 裙袍的外侧仍很宽松. 在吊袖下有合体的袖子,

3. 裙撑

3. bustle:设计师从不同的年代混合多种细节,如裙撑(bustle)和吉普森(Gibson)羊腿袖,为20世纪的女性掀起19世纪的狂潮. 维多利亚影响织物的颜色,更重要的是使花束的种类有象征意义. 1934年,希腊的玛瑞拉(marina)公主和英格兰肯特的杜克的婚礼上,

4. pannier:panniculitis 脂膜炎 | pannier 裙撑 | pannier 驮篮

裙撑 双语例句

1. 高跟鞋提升并强调了臀部,不再需要紧身内衣、裙撑、鲸骨等。
    They elevated and articulated arses, did away with the need for corsets and bustles and whalebone.

2. 裙子的长度与形状最好使用你最常穿的那一套作为参考,然后再去选择裙撑
    The length and shape of the skirts and dresses you most often wear can be used as guidelines when choosing a pannier.

3. 而且要是你认为没有裙撑你的Lolita套装会更加好,那就相信你的感觉穿出你认为最美的样子。
    And if you ever feel that an item may look better without a pannier, just trust your instincts and wear it however you think it will look best.

4. 裙撑

4. 比裙子短五厘米是裙撑的标准长度。
    Cm shorter than the skirt is the standard length of a pannier.

5. 黑色和其他颜色的裙撑会显示出明亮的裙子,虽然白色的裙撑适合大部分明亮系或深色系的衣服。
    Black and other colored panniers may show through light colored skirts, however white panniers are suitable for both light and dark colored garments.

6. 当然,你也可以把裙撑作为一条裙子,并在里面穿上一双裤袜。
    There are also panniers that you can wear as a skirt on its own over a pair of leggings.

7. 裙撑

7. 裙撑用钢丝、骨制品或其它材料制成的框架,以前用来将妇女的裙子在臀部撑开
    A framework of wire, bone, or other material formerly used to expand a woman's skirt at the hips.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 尽管如此,每个人对裙撑都有他们自己的选择和独特的审美观。
    However, everyone has their own preferences and aesthetic ideals when it comes to panniers.

9. 裙撑的近义词

9. 相信你也不想当自己走出去是你的裙子边缘折上去或者裙撑缩上去吧。
    You don't want to walk out with your skirt hem tucked or riding up the pannier.

10. 裙撑

10. 它是Lolita套装内部基础中的基础——是的,也许你已经猜到了,那就是裙撑
    It is the the most basic of basics when it comes to Lolita inner wear - yes, you've got it; the pannier.

11. 裙撑什么意思

11. 如果你的裙撑与裙子相比之下显得太短,它可能会使你的裙子看起来很奇怪。
      If your pannier is too short in comparison to your skirt, it may look misshapen.

12. 所有的裙撑,都有一个可悲的事实,那就是:使用得越多,它的硬度就会越小,包括它的体积。
      With all panniers, it is an unfortunate fact that the more you use it, the more it loses its stiffness, and thus its volume.

13. 她落回地球上了,但是,那个钢簧裙撑弹起她的背部将它弹的和之前一样高。
      She fell back to Earth, but the steel-spring bustle just bounced her back up as high as before.

14. 直型或筒型,(2)钟型或蓬松型,(3)裙撑型。
      These three basic silhouette s are (1) the straight or tubular, (2) the bell – shaped or bouffant, and (3)the bustle.

15. 裙撑

15. 用裙撑是为了使裙子看起来更漂亮。
      A bustle is used to make the dress look more beautiful.

16. 在礼服结构设计中,利用臀部的夸张可以增加胸腰差的对比效果,而裙撑作为支撑。
      While as a support, the crinoline is a must to expand the outline of the dress.

17. 像妇女裙子上的裙撑那样冒失地站着。
      Stuck perkily, like a bustle on a woman's skirt.

18. danci.911cha.com

18. 巴罗克时期初期,女装设计抛弃了笨拙不便的紧身衣和裙撑,衣服和裙子都松垂而多褶,裙长及地。
      The early Baroque period, women abandoned the clumsy design of the inconvenience of tights and a skirt stays, clothing, and all sag and multi-pleated skirt, skirt length and ground.

19. 在北海道的旷野上,丹顶鹤群聚在柔细的白雪上,双翅上醒目的黑色羽毛优雅地围在尾部,很像贵妇优雅的裙撑
      Out in the open in the fine snow of Hokkaido cluster the great white cranes, the black tertial plumes of their broad wings arranged over their rumps like elegant bustles.

20. “裙撑让我的屁股显大还是显小?”
      " Does the bustle make my ass look bigger or smaller? "