

裨海[pí hǎi]



裨海 双语例句

1. 据八里乡居民表示,渡轮是八里乡与淡水镇,淡水河两岸居民早期来往经常使用的交通工具之一,又依文献记载,西元1698年(清康熙37年)明探险家郁永河到台北采硫,其著作「裨海纪游」即说到台北县八里乡现址有渡头,原住民以独木镂成莽葛(莽葛是平埔族称独木舟的音译,也译作蟒甲、艋舺)往返两岸台北内河间,由此可知,八里乡与淡水镇之间的渡船,可说是全台历史最早的民渡,远在西班牙与荷兰统治台湾时代,即利用渡船运销土产。
    According to Bali local villagers` statement, the ferry is one of the most frequently used transportations for both sides of villagers back in the early day. The existence of Bali Ferry Pier was found by an explorer Yu Yong-He in 1698. The ingenious people travelled back and forth by the help of canoe. It can be said that the ferry service between Bali and Danshui was long existed in the early history.