裹胁[guǒ xié]
force to take part; coerce:
under duress
1. guoxie:裹腿--guotui | 裹胁--guoxie | 裹挟--guoxie
1. 那个远离我的人在熹微里向我走近,到当他被夜色裹胁而去时,仍在向我走近。
One who was distant come near to me in the morning, and still nearer when taken away by night.
2. 裹胁的解释
2. 我们必须懂得:什么是真正的幸福人不能被职业倦怠所裹胁。
Couldn't agree more - a strong feeling of job burnout.
3. 在这个时期,人群被企业裹胁而来,又被迫追随企业而去。
This paper analyzes the healthy city movement in Europe, by combining abundant document.
4. 裹胁
4. 一堆人裹胁在一起,偶尔有几个有逃跑念头的也没办法付之于行动。
Coerce a bunch of people together, and occasionally a few of which could escape the idea of there is no way to pay them in action.
5. 基层乡村干部身处层层加压的统治链条中,如同被一股强大的潮流所裹胁。
Dramatically increasing the yields of production)during the Great Leap Forward.