

西宫[xī gōng ]


词典concubines of the king or emperor西宫。

词典imperial concubine娘娘;妃;妃子;西宫。

词典the palace for concubines of the king or emperor

词典a surname姓。

西宫 汉英大词典

西宫[xī gōng]

(西宫娘娘) concubines of the king or emperor; imperial concubine

西宫 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Nishinomiya:据<<读卖新闻报>>7月10日报道,日本职场体验儿童公园KidZania将于明年3月在西宫(Nishinomiya)开设第二家分支机构. 日本东京自2006年开设了第一家KidZania以来就受到极大欢迎,吸引了140万游客,包括1170所学校的学生.

2. Nishimiya:Nishime 西铭. | Nishimiya 西宫. | Nishimori 西森.

西宫 双语例句

1. 西方七星奎、娄、胃、昂、毕、角、参形状如虎,称西宫为白虎
    Western Seven-Kui, Lou, stomach, Ang, Bi, angle, shape parameters such as the tiger, called for the white tiger Nishinomiya

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 西宫大蜡会有着悠久的历史,是栾城西宫村的传统庙会,每年农历十月十三至十五在西宫村举办。
    Nishinomiya large wax will have a long history, are Luan Story Miyamura traditional temple fairs, the annual Lunar New Year in October 13-15 held at the village of Nishinomiya.

3. 因此我在细读文本的基础上,根据中国文学理论阐述了每个小标题—无名女子,白虎山学道,乡村医生,西宫门外,羌笛野曲和中国文化的关系,尤其是同《周易》的密切关系。
    Therefore, my interpretations are firmly based upon meticulous and accurate readings of the text.

4. 第一次看到Triangel这个玩偶,是在逛新西宫的时候无意间发现的。
    The gold one is to create fate between two mortals whereas the silver one is to destroy the fate...

5. 西宫的近义词

5. 一般来说,皇后娘娘是不会住在西宫的。
    Generally speaking, patients who took this medicine suffered no ill results.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 论文第三章描述了历史以来青礁慈济东宫与白礁慈济西宫之间的祖宫之争,以及信徒祖宫记忆的形成与演变的过程。
    The third part of the paper describes the controversy about original temple between Bai-jiao-ci-ji-gong and Qing-jiao-ci-ji-gong.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 东宫西宫:(你到底是男的,还是女的?
    Are you male or female?

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 他们的其中之一是 wang xiaobo 的被相同的名字小说适应的《东宫西宫》,,另一个两者都是《蓝宇》,从磁器的大陆广播被禁止。
    One of them is 《东宫西宫》, adapted by the same name's novel by wang xiaobo, the other is 《蓝宇》, both of which are prohibited from showing in the mainland of china.

9. 东宫西宫:这不是贱,这是爱情。
    It is not baseness but love.

10. 西宫的解释

10. 首名从私人部门起用的驻华大使丹羽宇一郎(uichironiwa),将被职业外交官、外务省外务审议官(副部级)西宫伸一(shinichinishimiya)接替。
    Uichiro Niwa, who became the first Japanese ambassador to China to be appointed from the private sector, is to be succeeded by Shinichi nishimiya, a career diplomat and the Deputy Minister for foreign affairs.

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. 一年,一老妪行医治此地,免费为当地百姓治病,一员外夫人被治好后,亲至老妪家乡栾城县西宫村感谢,却发现老妪竟是南海观音。
      Year old woman one heal line here, free of charge to local people seeking treatment, and a foreign wife was cured, the pro-old woman from the village of appreciation Nishinomiya Luancheng County homeland, they found an old woman was in the South China Sea Guanyin.

12. 西宫是什么意思

12. 一般来说,皇后娘娘是不会住在西宫的。
      Generally speaking, the queen would never live in the western palace where the imperial concubines live.

13. 西宫在线翻译

13. 西方七星奎、娄、胃、昂、毕、角、参形状如虎,称西宫为白虎;
      Western Seven-Kui, Lou, stomach, Ang, Bi, angle, shape parameters such as the tiger, called for the white tiger Nishinomiya;

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 冈崎补充说:“西宫君是一个非常沉稳、务实的人,因此他将会平稳把握局面。”
      Mr Okazaki added: " Mr nishimiya is a very calm, practical person, so he will be a steady pair of hands. "

15. 冈崎补充说:“西宫君是一个非常沉稳、务实的人,因此他将会平稳把握局面。”
      Mr Okazaki added: " Mr nishimiya is a very calm, practical person, so he will be a steady pair of hands. "