






西康省 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 1939年1月1日,国民政府正式在西康建省,以康定为西康省省会,以刘文辉兼任西康省政府主席。
    On January 1, 1939, the national government officially constructed the province in Xikang, take Kangting as the Xikang provincial capital, and take Liu Wenhui as the Xikang provincial government presidents.

2. 本文以抗战期间成立的西康省为中心,通过探讨国民政府在该省的直接税征收概况,以体现其民族复兴基地的作用。
    This article take Xikang province established in the Sino-Japanese War period as the center, through discussing the survey of direct tax in this province by the national government, in order to manifest its national revival base in the function..

3. 西康省在线翻译

3. 西康省的建立,不仅有利于当地经济、文化的发展和汉、藏、彝各民族的团结,而且有利于巩固大西南的国防地位和抗战大后方的基地建设
    It is not only conducive to the regional economic and cultural deve...

4. 本文的重点是第三和第四部分,主要介绍了西康省在直接税征收过程中遇到的困难,以及税收机关是如何克服这些困难从而推动税收工作的进行的。
    The emphasis in this article is the third and fourth part, mainly introducing the difficulty in the levying of direct tax, as well as how the tax revenue institution to overcome the difficulties.

5. 受国民政府统治区域的限制,直接税的税源地主要集中在西南地区,而新成立的西康省自然首当其冲。
    Be limited by the region of the national government, the source of direct tax mainly concentrated in the southwest area, and the new Xikang province was also among.

6. 在四川西部和原西康省东部崇山峻岭中野外工作,实现了他早年在康乃尔大学攻读博士学位时(1932-1934)梦寐以求的愿望。
    The world-famous giant panda was discovered in Paohsing in 1876 by Father David, and the type specimen is now in the Paris Museum.

7. 第二部分为西康省直接税征收体系的建立,国民政府的直接税征收共分所得税、利得税、营业税、遗产税和印花税五大税种,五种税项的开征为西康省直接税征收体系的建立奠定了坚实的基础,在这一体系中有着严格的组织人事制度。
    The second part is the establishment of direct tax system in Xikang province, this system includes the income tax, the monetary gains tax, the business tax, the inheritance tax and the stamp duty, it also has the strict organization and personnel rules.

8. 西康省的意思

8. 全文共分五部分,第一部分为抗战爆发后西康省的建立及国民政府在该省征收直接税的开始,先是介绍西康省的建立,然后从工商业、财政税收和康定市公务员的收入状况等方面分析西康在抗战爆发前后的社会经济状况,最后从税制改革和抗战需要两方面分析国民政府开征直接税的原因。
    The full text altogether divides five parts, the first part is the establishment of Xikang province after the Sino-Japanese War and the start of levying direct tax in this province by the national government, introducing the establishment of Xikang province at first, and then analysis the social and economical condition of Xikang province before and after the Sino-Japanese War, finally explains why the national government taking direct tax in Xikang province.