


词典be loved见爱。

见爱 双语例句

1. 见爱的解释

1. 不忍见爱憔悴,又有几人真心追求完美?
    Love can not bear to see haggard, and the pursuit of perfection few really?

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2. 但伤痛之下才见爱
    But underneath hurt is love.

3. 9月17日,南横三星联盟在高雄县政府举办「中秋芋见爱」商品展售会,除了向各界善心人士表达谢意之外,更期待以在地的力量重新站起,南横三星区域联盟理事陈敬忠先生表示,感谢各界的关心,但甲仙更希望自己是个有能力钓鱼的人,所以努力地生产芋饼、芋冰、芋酥片和芋酥条,让各界依然能够感受到,那记忆中的甲仙美好。
    It is also hoped that people could still remember the beauty of Jiashian.

4. 见爱的意思

4. 广泛snouted凯门鳄,凯门鳄latirostris一样,其可能的近亲(见爱伦坡1996年),黑凯门鳄,Melanosuchus尼日尔,人们早已认识到作为一个独特的类群。
    The broad-snouted caiman, Caiman latirostris, like its possible close relative (see Poe 1996), the black caiman, Melanosuchus niger, has long been recognized as a unique taxon.