

视而不见[shì ér bú jiàn]


词典gaze at sth. without seeing -- to pay no heed视而不见。

词典do not to wink at视而不见。

词典look but not see视而不见。

词典look [gaze] without seeing


词典turn a blind eye to熟视无睹;眼开眼闭;睹而不见。

视而不见 汉英大词典

视而不见[shì ér bú jiàn]

gaze at sth. without seeing -- to pay no heed; do not to wink at; look but not see; look [gaze] without seeing; observe but not to pay attention to; see ... without taking any notice; shut one's eyes to; turn a blind eye to

视而不见 网络解释

1. None are so blind as those who won't see:No man is wise at all times.聪明一世,糊涂一时. | None are so blind as those who won't see.视而不见. | None are so deaf as those who won't hear.充耳不闻.

2. turn a blind eye:Try before you trust. 先考验,后信任. | Turn a blind eye 视而不见 | turn a deaf ear 听而不闻

3. b Just ignore it:a Run and scream like mad and get someone to kill it! 尖叫着跑开,让他人帮忙杀死! | b Just ignore it! 视而不见! | c Pick it up and chase all the girls with it! 拿起来吓唬其他女孩子!

4. 视而不见的近义词

4. turn a blind eye to:try on 试穿 | turn a blind eye to 视而不见 | turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻