1. 她为讨取你的欢心做得越多,她就会爱你越深。
The more she has to work for your affections, the more she'll be into you.
2. 讨取的意思
2. 她为讨取你的欢心做得越多,她就会爱你越深。
The more she has to work for youraffections, the more she`ll be into you.
3. 她为讨取你的欢心做得越多,她就会爱你越深。
The more she has to work for your affection s, the more she'll be into you.
4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
4. 她为讨取你的欢心做得越多,她就会爱你越深。
The more she has to work for your affections, themore she'll be into you.
5. 她为讨取你的欢心做得越多,她就会爱你越深。
The more she has to work for your affections, the more shell be into you.
6. 但是暴力行为的逐渐减少起码给了议会领导的辛格政府一个讨取克什米尔人欢心的机会。
Yet waning violence at least gives the Congress-led government of Manmohan Singh a chance to woo them.
7. 讨取是什么意思
7. 我们要尽可以为生扩大一些东西,而不是从中讨取什么。
We are here to add what we can to life not to get what we can from it.
8. 他们都是由贫苦人所扮,结队向人讨取食品和礼物。
They all are to what is dressed up as by badly off people, troop to person get fetch food and the gift.
9. h 就任何和所有请求,纠纷及冲突代里本公司进行解决,达成和解,调处或讨取对于方宽贷豁免。
H To settle, compromise, adjust and give releases on behalf of this Corporation with respect to any and all claims, disputes and controversies
10. danci.911cha.com
10. 在另一起案件中,两名绑架者劫持一名11岁儿童三天讨取赎金。
In another case, two kidnappers held an 11-year-old child for three days for ransom.
11. 讨取
11. 从有幸成为女皇的贴身侍女那一天起,讨取女皇的欢心就成了法斯琪唯一所关心的事。
When the queen made Vashj her foremost handmaiden, remaining in the queen's favor became Vashj's sole concern.
12. 讨取在线翻译
12. TrickorTreat是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。
5. Trick or Treat is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys.
13. 讨取
13. 所以,任何较低级别的办事处试图去讨取任何利益均有可能是不允许的。
So any favour the lower-level offices might try to curry is likely to be illicit.