1. access:172.abort :异常中止 | 173.access :访谒 | 185.crash : (系统)崩溃
1. 其次,斗劲详细地介绍了图书管理系统的效用分析和模块设计及联系基于SQL数据库的访谒步骤。
Next, compared with in detail introduced the books managementsystem management system functional analysis and the module design andthe correlation based on the SQL database access method.
2. 访谒
2. 领先的幅度或许何足道哉,但这成为了一种不成避免的趋向,由于Facebook的受招待程度迅速上升,一年前仅占美国互联网总访谒量的2点。
The lead may be slim, but it has become inevitable as Facebook''s popularity has grown rapidly from just over two per cent of visits a year ago.
3. 访谒方法--斲丧者访谒内容的差别要领和手腕。
Access methods-varying ways and means for consumers to access the content.
4. 此前该网站曾在圣诞前夜、圣诞日和元旦当天的日访谒量上拔得头筹。
It had hit the daily number one spot onChristmas eve, Christmas day and New Year''s day previously.
5. 访谒是什么意思
5. 这是Facebook的每周访谒量数据初度跨越谷歌。
It is the first time Facebook has enjoyed a weekly lead over Google.
6. 访谒者操作的欣赏器与平台多种多样。
Statistics indicate visitors use a wide variety of browsers and platforms.
7. 访谒
7. 我原筹算在今年二月访谒印度,后来不得不推迟,这使我出格失踪望。
It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to India in February this year.
8. 访谒在线翻译
8. 我担任总理以来多次访谒德国,每次都给我留下深刻印象。
I have paid several visits to Germany since taking office as the Chinese premier, and each visit left a deep impression on me.