证据确凿[zhèng jù què zuò]
词典irrefutable [conclusive] evidence
词典The evidence is certain.:证据确凿。
词典upon valid evidence:证据确凿。
证据确凿[zhèng jù què zuò]
irrefutable [conclusive] evidence; proven; The evidence is certain.; upon valid evidence:
例:证据确凿, 铁案如山
irrefutable [verified] evidence
1. positive evidence:sufficient evidence 证据充分 | positive evidence 证据确凿 | objective examination 客观审查
2. The evidence was there:That's not what I meant. 我不是那个意思 | The evidence was there. 证据确凿 | Lincoln worked for Steadman's company. Lincoln为Steadman 的公司工作
3. Preponderance-of-the- evidence:Pre-play negotiation 賽前磋商 | Preponderance-of-the- evidence 證據確鑿 | Pre-sample disturbances 事前樣本干擾
4. 证据确凿
4. l am following the evidence and it is overwhelming:You think l wrecked your marriage, and it has clouded your judgment.|你以为我破坏你的婚... | l am following the evidence and it is overwhelming.|证据确凿 | The polygraph. Las Palmas Coffee Shop.|测谎、拉...